10 reasons to fast and not just for health
Regardless of one’s personal views on the act of fasting for planetary change, there are other benefits which could come from a day of peaceful protest.
If one seeks positive change either bodily or as a collective group, fasting may be for you. An ancient form of cleansing the body and connecting with the divine, you may just experience more than the following benefits:
1. Promotes Detoxification
The act of abstaining from processed foods filled with additives, refined sugars, and acidic-forming, hard-to-digest animal proteins even for a short period of time allows the body to begin cleansing the debris built up in the lymphatic and digestive system. Because most toxins are stored in fat, and the body uses fat for energy during fasting – specifically prolonged periods of time, fasting can be very beneficial for cleansing and healing.
2. Rests Digestive System
During a fast, the digestive organs rest. The normal physiological functions continue, but at a reduced rate. Because the digestive process is constantly bombarded by food to break down, an opportunity to rest reduces the energy expenditure sent to those organs, and instead can go to areas of the body that need more attention and healing. By abstaining from acidic food options, the production of stomach acid also reduces, hence why many experience relief from ulcers during their fasting period.
3. Resolves Inflammatory Response
Some studies show that fasting promotes resolution from inflammatory diseases and allergies. Such illnesses provided relief include rheumatoid arthritis and skin issues. Again, the main, yet very unknown factor being that inflammatory producing foods have stopped being consumed, therefore the body can heal itself.
4. Reduces Blood Sugar
Fasting increases breakdown of glucose so that the body can get energy, which in effect reduces production of insulin and rests the pancreas. Glucagon is produced to facilitate the breakdown of glucose, therefore the outcome of fasting is a reduction in blood sugar.
5. Increases Fat Breakdown
The first response of the body to fasting is the break down of glucose. When the store of glucose is depleted, ketosis then begins; this is break down of fats to release energy. Therefore, by fasting fats stored in kidney and muscles are broken down to release energy. It is important to note if one chooses to engage in a long-term fast, the body can resort to burning muscle as fuel once fat stores are depleted. **All fasts for those concerned about their health should be undertaken with the guidance of a counselor or doctor.**
6. Promotes a Healthy Diet
It has been observed that fasting reduces craving for processed foods and promotes a desire for natural, water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. A healthy lifestyle is imperative to maintain optimum nourishment and health, therefore fasting is one way of jump starting detoxification and adopting a healthier diet.
7. Promotes Weight Loss
Because fasting reduces the fat stores of the body, it can produce fast weight loss. However, this is not a good weight-loss strategy as it’s not sustainable or healthy. Reducing refined fat and sugar intake while increasing fresh plant food consumption is a much better approach to achieving a desired weight for the long-term.
8. Boosts Immunity
When an individual is on a balanced diet in between fasts, this can boost immunity. Elimination of toxins and reduction in fat store also helps the body. When intelligently breaking a fast with fruit, one can increase the body’s store of essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A and E which are great antioxidants readily available in fresh produce. A wide range of phyto-nutrients help to boost immunity.
9. Helps Overcome Addictions
According to many sources fasting makes it easier to kick the habit, whether with nicotine or sugary food consumption. With any addiction, once your body starts to detoxify the substance, you crave it and experience dramatic detox symptoms until stores are replenished. Abstaining from triggers while fasting allows the body to detoxify the acids and toxins from the blood stream and cells, therefore having beneficial effect in reducing cravings for good.
Highly mineralizing and alkalizing green leafy vegetables have been shown to be exceptionally beneficial for reducing cravings as part of a healthy diet, or implemented once one breaks their fast.
10. Corrects High Blood Pressure
Aside from adopting a healthier diet, fasting is one of the non-drug methods of reducing blood pressure. It helps to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, clogging of arteries by fat particles (associated with eating a highly refined, high animal-protein diet with inflammatory promoting chemicals and additives).
During fasting, glucose and later, fat stores, are used to produce energy. Metabolic rate is reduced during fasting and the fear-flight hormones such as adrenaline and noradernaline are also reduced. These all work together to keep the metabolic steady and within limits, the effect a reduction in blood pressure.
From this aspect it seems clear that fasting can do a body good if embarked with proper guidance and common sense. Historically the abstinence from all substances consumed for a short period of time has been done to cleanse and gain closer divinity with God; spiritual psychologists would suggest there’s common ground between both. What holistic practitioners realize is that every physical illness is linked with an emotional instability; an example is contracting heart disease and being unable to forgive another, therefore suffering heartache.
Louise Hay in her book “You Can Heal Your Life” is very quick to point out any illness can be and is linked to an emotional suppression in the cells. Because emotions create chemical reactions in the body, it is not an outrageous proposal. With this understanding, by detoxifying the body through fasting, one is uncovering their suppressed chemical emotions and relieving their physical temple of toxins. This can cause the arousal of hidden thoughts and buried hurts, so in a completely metaphysical way, the art of fasting is more than just the cleansing of the physical body.
You can gain better insight and a more purified understanding of your self and the world by choosing to abstain from earthly satisfaction for a day or more. With heightened understanding, it can be easier to gain a proper relationship with food, your cravings, and others on this planet.
With the pope’s proposal for an act of peace, perhaps now it’s easier to understand how even though one’s beliefs may not be in exact alignment with another, good can come out of working towards harmony (bodily and without) in all aspects.
Overall, whether for religious/spiritual reasons or for personal health, a variety of benefits could come out of skipping your meals for one day.
If one seeks positive change either bodily or as a collective group, fasting may be for you. An ancient form of cleansing the body and connecting with the divine, you may just experience more than the following benefits:
1. Promotes Detoxification
The act of abstaining from processed foods filled with additives, refined sugars, and acidic-forming, hard-to-digest animal proteins even for a short period of time allows the body to begin cleansing the debris built up in the lymphatic and digestive system. Because most toxins are stored in fat, and the body uses fat for energy during fasting – specifically prolonged periods of time, fasting can be very beneficial for cleansing and healing.
2. Rests Digestive System
During a fast, the digestive organs rest. The normal physiological functions continue, but at a reduced rate. Because the digestive process is constantly bombarded by food to break down, an opportunity to rest reduces the energy expenditure sent to those organs, and instead can go to areas of the body that need more attention and healing. By abstaining from acidic food options, the production of stomach acid also reduces, hence why many experience relief from ulcers during their fasting period.
3. Resolves Inflammatory Response
Some studies show that fasting promotes resolution from inflammatory diseases and allergies. Such illnesses provided relief include rheumatoid arthritis and skin issues. Again, the main, yet very unknown factor being that inflammatory producing foods have stopped being consumed, therefore the body can heal itself.
4. Reduces Blood Sugar
Fasting increases breakdown of glucose so that the body can get energy, which in effect reduces production of insulin and rests the pancreas. Glucagon is produced to facilitate the breakdown of glucose, therefore the outcome of fasting is a reduction in blood sugar.
5. Increases Fat Breakdown
The first response of the body to fasting is the break down of glucose. When the store of glucose is depleted, ketosis then begins; this is break down of fats to release energy. Therefore, by fasting fats stored in kidney and muscles are broken down to release energy. It is important to note if one chooses to engage in a long-term fast, the body can resort to burning muscle as fuel once fat stores are depleted. **All fasts for those concerned about their health should be undertaken with the guidance of a counselor or doctor.**
6. Promotes a Healthy Diet
It has been observed that fasting reduces craving for processed foods and promotes a desire for natural, water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. A healthy lifestyle is imperative to maintain optimum nourishment and health, therefore fasting is one way of jump starting detoxification and adopting a healthier diet.
7. Promotes Weight Loss
Because fasting reduces the fat stores of the body, it can produce fast weight loss. However, this is not a good weight-loss strategy as it’s not sustainable or healthy. Reducing refined fat and sugar intake while increasing fresh plant food consumption is a much better approach to achieving a desired weight for the long-term.
8. Boosts Immunity
When an individual is on a balanced diet in between fasts, this can boost immunity. Elimination of toxins and reduction in fat store also helps the body. When intelligently breaking a fast with fruit, one can increase the body’s store of essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A and E which are great antioxidants readily available in fresh produce. A wide range of phyto-nutrients help to boost immunity.
9. Helps Overcome Addictions
According to many sources fasting makes it easier to kick the habit, whether with nicotine or sugary food consumption. With any addiction, once your body starts to detoxify the substance, you crave it and experience dramatic detox symptoms until stores are replenished. Abstaining from triggers while fasting allows the body to detoxify the acids and toxins from the blood stream and cells, therefore having beneficial effect in reducing cravings for good.
Highly mineralizing and alkalizing green leafy vegetables have been shown to be exceptionally beneficial for reducing cravings as part of a healthy diet, or implemented once one breaks their fast.
10. Corrects High Blood Pressure
Aside from adopting a healthier diet, fasting is one of the non-drug methods of reducing blood pressure. It helps to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, clogging of arteries by fat particles (associated with eating a highly refined, high animal-protein diet with inflammatory promoting chemicals and additives).
During fasting, glucose and later, fat stores, are used to produce energy. Metabolic rate is reduced during fasting and the fear-flight hormones such as adrenaline and noradernaline are also reduced. These all work together to keep the metabolic steady and within limits, the effect a reduction in blood pressure.
From this aspect it seems clear that fasting can do a body good if embarked with proper guidance and common sense. Historically the abstinence from all substances consumed for a short period of time has been done to cleanse and gain closer divinity with God; spiritual psychologists would suggest there’s common ground between both. What holistic practitioners realize is that every physical illness is linked with an emotional instability; an example is contracting heart disease and being unable to forgive another, therefore suffering heartache.
Louise Hay in her book “You Can Heal Your Life” is very quick to point out any illness can be and is linked to an emotional suppression in the cells. Because emotions create chemical reactions in the body, it is not an outrageous proposal. With this understanding, by detoxifying the body through fasting, one is uncovering their suppressed chemical emotions and relieving their physical temple of toxins. This can cause the arousal of hidden thoughts and buried hurts, so in a completely metaphysical way, the art of fasting is more than just the cleansing of the physical body.
You can gain better insight and a more purified understanding of your self and the world by choosing to abstain from earthly satisfaction for a day or more. With heightened understanding, it can be easier to gain a proper relationship with food, your cravings, and others on this planet.
With the pope’s proposal for an act of peace, perhaps now it’s easier to understand how even though one’s beliefs may not be in exact alignment with another, good can come out of working towards harmony (bodily and without) in all aspects.
Overall, whether for religious/spiritual reasons or for personal health, a variety of benefits could come out of skipping your meals for one day.
Document HIV
The game is rigged
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) I’ve been pondering this topic for weeks, trying to find the words to communicate the full impact of this realization to which we are all increasingly awakening. Everything is rigged… the stock market, the news, the food, your taxes, public schools, the health care system, and on and on. Even Lance Armstrong’s cycling victories were all apparently rigged (with doping), we’re now finding out.
But what do I mean by “rigged” specifically? All these systems and industries are rigged to cheat you, to suppress you, and ultimately to suppress your human potential.
Think about it. The sick-care system is intentionally engineered to give you cancer, keep you sick, and keep you locked into a medical system that enriches powerful corporations while sacrificing human life.
The financial system is rigged to quietly steal the value of your money through endless monetary creation also known as “quantitative easing.” The more money the Fed prints, the less valuable the money you worked so hard to earn is left remaining.
The political system is utterly rigged to give you the illusion of choice while parading in front of you two puppets of different skin colors who both serve the same masters (the banksters).
The food system is rigged with GMOs that actually poison you while spreading genetic pollution across farms and fields everywhere.
The news is utterly and comprehensively rigged, and this was highlighted yet again by former CNN star reporter Amber Lyon who just went public with scathing accusations about how CNN allowed foreign terror regimes to actually BUY positive coverage on CNN’s broadcasts! This story is absolutely astonishing, and the very best interview of Amber Lyon exposing all this was conducted by Alex Jones and is found on YouTube.com. (Must-see video.) See Amber Lyon’s website at: http://www.amberlyonlive.com
The justice system is ridiculously rigged. A woman was arrested a few weeks ago and charged with a felony crime for drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. Meanwhile, absolute evil-minded criminals like Jon Corzine and Eric Holder go free with no prosecution whatsoever. The criminals run free while the innocent are persecuted.
“Science” is largely rigged. Science journals are all dominated by Big Pharma advertising money, and nearly all the so-called science you see in the news anymore is just a regurgitation of fabricated research from corporate science whores who have sold their integrity for a paycheck. Much of the effort behind “science” today is spent reinforcing a monopoly over medicine by pushing deadly vaccines while disparaging healing plants and nutrients.
Government regulators are completely rigged. The FDA looks out primarily for the interests of Monsanto and drug companies, not the safety of the American people. The USDA is completely beholden to the biotech industry and the meat factory giants, routinely betraying Americans with its decisions.
Private property is rigged. Thanks to unconstitutional property taxes, you never really “own” your land. Instead, you lease it from the government. Don’t believe me? Try not paying property taxes and see what happens. Your property will soon be seized at gunpoint and taken over by the government.
Even WAR is completely rigged. Wars are started with false flag attacks engineered by the imperialist USA, then all the reporting on war is completely censored to shield the American public from the truth of how horrifying it really is. The entire experience of war is sanitized, processed, homogenized… just like the processed cow’s milk you’re (hopefully not) drinking.
How do you beat a rigged system? Don’t play!
With all these systems rigged against you, how do you stand a chance of getting ahead? As every Vegas gambler knows deep down, the only way to beat the house is to not play against the house. Don’t play their game, in other words.
Instead of sending your children to government-run indoctrination centers known as public schools, home school them.
Instead of watching cable news propaganda, turn off the TV and get your news from independent online media like Natural News or one of our fan sites such as Natural News tracker.
Instead of being victimized by toxic GMO food, buy organic and avoid the GMOs.
Instead of falling for vaccines and prescription drugs, say NO to vaccines and dangerous drugs. Turn to nutrition and superfoods instead!
Instead of putting all your savings and investments in the fiat currency known as the dollar, diversify your holdings into precious metals, non-U.S. currencies, farm land and other stores of real value.
Instead of voting for the next presidential puppet, simply don’t vote for any president! The mere act of voting for a presidential candidate legitimizes the corrupt system. (Yes, it’s definitely important to vote for local candidates and ballot measures like Proposition 37 in California.)
The point of all this is that you can’t beat a rigged system. That’s why it’s rigged, of course: to make sure you never come out on top. So stop playing in the rigged system! The house always wins, didn’t you know? That’s how casinos make money, and it’s how nearly everything else works, too.
Levels of awakening
The path to true freedom begins with recognizing just how completely all the systems are rigged against you. Only from there can you withdraw your consent from all the rigged systems that are insidiously working to keep you sick, suppressed, impoverished and ignorant.
From there, focus your power and your effort inward, asking self-empowering questions like how can I become better informed and educated? How can I gain new skills? How can I improve my health and set myself free from the medical enslavement system? In time, these questions will transform to more broad questions such as: How can I contribute something meaningful to the world? What can I do to serve in the defense of life and truth?
These are levels of awareness / awakening. I describe them like this:
Level 0 – “Zombie”
This is the default level of total ignorance at which 90% of the population operates. They have no clue about anything that matters such as how fiat currency systems operate, natural cures for cancer, the true dangers of vaccines, how television manipulates their behavior and so on. (These people are often experts in sports and TV sitcoms, however.)
Level 1 – “Awakened”
This level is achieved when a person realizes something along the lines of “Hey, I’m living in a dream world. I’m being told lies at every turn. What is real? How can I know what is real?” This is where people start asking questions.
Level 2 – “Informed”
A level 2 person is someone who has taught themselves a significant amount of real history and the way the world really works. This person will have knowledge of politics, psychology, world history, economics, natural health, the natural world (water, ecosystems, soils, etc.), basic anatomy, basic science and so on. Not even 1% of the population today qualifies as level 2. Most people operate in a state of wild ignorance of the world around them.
Level 3 – “Mastery”
A level 3 person not only understands a great deal about the real world around them, they have also grasped ways to navigate through that world with great accomplishment and influence. They are innovators, creators and often communicators. Financial achievement is not the purpose here. Rather, it is achieving relevance in a world largely populated by utterly irrelevant people.
Level 4 – “Enlightenment”
This level is only achieved by those of the highest dedication to spiritual awakening. You would typically only find this level of understanding in people who pursue a lifetime practice of prayer, or transcendental meditation, or a similar spiritual practice. At this level of awareness, individuals become withdrawn from the material world and really have no interest in interacting with individuals of lower levels of awareness. Far less than one in a million human beings will ever achieve level 4 “Enlightenment.”
Just to review these levels again, here are some of the keywords and concepts that typically relate to people of each level:
Level 0 – “Zombie” – Football, sports scores, TV sitcoms, processed junk food, vaccinations, playing the lotto, following doctors’ orders, submitting to apparent authority, going along with the status quo.
Level 1 – “Awakened” – Asks questions. Reads ingredients on foods. Questions their doctor. Watches documentaries instead of sports. Attempts to assess information and think rationally. Questions false authority.
Level 2 – “Informed” – Reads books. Explores alternative information. Invests in self-education. Participates in activism. Seeks to make changes in the world around them. Speaks out with friends. Challenges people’s beliefs. Reflects on their own beliefs and is capable of adaptation.
Level 3 – “Mastery” – Has great influence. Creates things. Innovates. Provides solutions. Invents new things. No television. No vaccines. No junk food. Has a very long-term perspective. Understands the “big picture.” Seeks to help others. Has compassion for living things. Recognizes the web of life on our planet.
Level 4 – “Enlightenment” – Realizes the great illusion of life. Embraces immortality of consciousness and the human spirit. Expresses compassion for others but not intervention. Never seeks to “change” others, only to invite them to expand their awareness. Recognizes interconnectedness of all life systems. Sees the human life experience in a humorous light. Is able to tap into higher consciousness. Rarely seeks fame and not interested in financial success. Often abandons all material wealth.
Remember: The rigged systems in place today want to suppress your rise from Level 0 to Level 4. They wish to keep you as dumbed-down as possible so that you never become fully aware of what’s really happening around you. Only by refusing to participate in those systems do you have a real opportunity to move up the levels and achieve the only thing that really matters: High-level consciousness.
(NaturalNews) I’ve been pondering this topic for weeks, trying to find the words to communicate the full impact of this realization to which we are all increasingly awakening. Everything is rigged… the stock market, the news, the food, your taxes, public schools, the health care system, and on and on. Even Lance Armstrong’s cycling victories were all apparently rigged (with doping), we’re now finding out.
But what do I mean by “rigged” specifically? All these systems and industries are rigged to cheat you, to suppress you, and ultimately to suppress your human potential.
Think about it. The sick-care system is intentionally engineered to give you cancer, keep you sick, and keep you locked into a medical system that enriches powerful corporations while sacrificing human life.
The financial system is rigged to quietly steal the value of your money through endless monetary creation also known as “quantitative easing.” The more money the Fed prints, the less valuable the money you worked so hard to earn is left remaining.
The political system is utterly rigged to give you the illusion of choice while parading in front of you two puppets of different skin colors who both serve the same masters (the banksters).
The food system is rigged with GMOs that actually poison you while spreading genetic pollution across farms and fields everywhere.
The news is utterly and comprehensively rigged, and this was highlighted yet again by former CNN star reporter Amber Lyon who just went public with scathing accusations about how CNN allowed foreign terror regimes to actually BUY positive coverage on CNN’s broadcasts! This story is absolutely astonishing, and the very best interview of Amber Lyon exposing all this was conducted by Alex Jones and is found on YouTube.com. (Must-see video.) See Amber Lyon’s website at: http://www.amberlyonlive.com
The justice system is ridiculously rigged. A woman was arrested a few weeks ago and charged with a felony crime for drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. Meanwhile, absolute evil-minded criminals like Jon Corzine and Eric Holder go free with no prosecution whatsoever. The criminals run free while the innocent are persecuted.
“Science” is largely rigged. Science journals are all dominated by Big Pharma advertising money, and nearly all the so-called science you see in the news anymore is just a regurgitation of fabricated research from corporate science whores who have sold their integrity for a paycheck. Much of the effort behind “science” today is spent reinforcing a monopoly over medicine by pushing deadly vaccines while disparaging healing plants and nutrients.
Government regulators are completely rigged. The FDA looks out primarily for the interests of Monsanto and drug companies, not the safety of the American people. The USDA is completely beholden to the biotech industry and the meat factory giants, routinely betraying Americans with its decisions.
Private property is rigged. Thanks to unconstitutional property taxes, you never really “own” your land. Instead, you lease it from the government. Don’t believe me? Try not paying property taxes and see what happens. Your property will soon be seized at gunpoint and taken over by the government.
Even WAR is completely rigged. Wars are started with false flag attacks engineered by the imperialist USA, then all the reporting on war is completely censored to shield the American public from the truth of how horrifying it really is. The entire experience of war is sanitized, processed, homogenized… just like the processed cow’s milk you’re (hopefully not) drinking.
How do you beat a rigged system? Don’t play!
With all these systems rigged against you, how do you stand a chance of getting ahead? As every Vegas gambler knows deep down, the only way to beat the house is to not play against the house. Don’t play their game, in other words.
Instead of sending your children to government-run indoctrination centers known as public schools, home school them.
Instead of watching cable news propaganda, turn off the TV and get your news from independent online media like Natural News or one of our fan sites such as Natural News tracker.
Instead of being victimized by toxic GMO food, buy organic and avoid the GMOs.
Instead of falling for vaccines and prescription drugs, say NO to vaccines and dangerous drugs. Turn to nutrition and superfoods instead!
Instead of putting all your savings and investments in the fiat currency known as the dollar, diversify your holdings into precious metals, non-U.S. currencies, farm land and other stores of real value.
Instead of voting for the next presidential puppet, simply don’t vote for any president! The mere act of voting for a presidential candidate legitimizes the corrupt system. (Yes, it’s definitely important to vote for local candidates and ballot measures like Proposition 37 in California.)
The point of all this is that you can’t beat a rigged system. That’s why it’s rigged, of course: to make sure you never come out on top. So stop playing in the rigged system! The house always wins, didn’t you know? That’s how casinos make money, and it’s how nearly everything else works, too.
Levels of awakening
The path to true freedom begins with recognizing just how completely all the systems are rigged against you. Only from there can you withdraw your consent from all the rigged systems that are insidiously working to keep you sick, suppressed, impoverished and ignorant.
From there, focus your power and your effort inward, asking self-empowering questions like how can I become better informed and educated? How can I gain new skills? How can I improve my health and set myself free from the medical enslavement system? In time, these questions will transform to more broad questions such as: How can I contribute something meaningful to the world? What can I do to serve in the defense of life and truth?
These are levels of awareness / awakening. I describe them like this:
Level 0 – “Zombie”
This is the default level of total ignorance at which 90% of the population operates. They have no clue about anything that matters such as how fiat currency systems operate, natural cures for cancer, the true dangers of vaccines, how television manipulates their behavior and so on. (These people are often experts in sports and TV sitcoms, however.)
Level 1 – “Awakened”
This level is achieved when a person realizes something along the lines of “Hey, I’m living in a dream world. I’m being told lies at every turn. What is real? How can I know what is real?” This is where people start asking questions.
Level 2 – “Informed”
A level 2 person is someone who has taught themselves a significant amount of real history and the way the world really works. This person will have knowledge of politics, psychology, world history, economics, natural health, the natural world (water, ecosystems, soils, etc.), basic anatomy, basic science and so on. Not even 1% of the population today qualifies as level 2. Most people operate in a state of wild ignorance of the world around them.
Level 3 – “Mastery”
A level 3 person not only understands a great deal about the real world around them, they have also grasped ways to navigate through that world with great accomplishment and influence. They are innovators, creators and often communicators. Financial achievement is not the purpose here. Rather, it is achieving relevance in a world largely populated by utterly irrelevant people.
Level 4 – “Enlightenment”
This level is only achieved by those of the highest dedication to spiritual awakening. You would typically only find this level of understanding in people who pursue a lifetime practice of prayer, or transcendental meditation, or a similar spiritual practice. At this level of awareness, individuals become withdrawn from the material world and really have no interest in interacting with individuals of lower levels of awareness. Far less than one in a million human beings will ever achieve level 4 “Enlightenment.”
Just to review these levels again, here are some of the keywords and concepts that typically relate to people of each level:
Level 0 – “Zombie” – Football, sports scores, TV sitcoms, processed junk food, vaccinations, playing the lotto, following doctors’ orders, submitting to apparent authority, going along with the status quo.
Level 1 – “Awakened” – Asks questions. Reads ingredients on foods. Questions their doctor. Watches documentaries instead of sports. Attempts to assess information and think rationally. Questions false authority.
Level 2 – “Informed” – Reads books. Explores alternative information. Invests in self-education. Participates in activism. Seeks to make changes in the world around them. Speaks out with friends. Challenges people’s beliefs. Reflects on their own beliefs and is capable of adaptation.
Level 3 – “Mastery” – Has great influence. Creates things. Innovates. Provides solutions. Invents new things. No television. No vaccines. No junk food. Has a very long-term perspective. Understands the “big picture.” Seeks to help others. Has compassion for living things. Recognizes the web of life on our planet.
Level 4 – “Enlightenment” – Realizes the great illusion of life. Embraces immortality of consciousness and the human spirit. Expresses compassion for others but not intervention. Never seeks to “change” others, only to invite them to expand their awareness. Recognizes interconnectedness of all life systems. Sees the human life experience in a humorous light. Is able to tap into higher consciousness. Rarely seeks fame and not interested in financial success. Often abandons all material wealth.
Remember: The rigged systems in place today want to suppress your rise from Level 0 to Level 4. They wish to keep you as dumbed-down as possible so that you never become fully aware of what’s really happening around you. Only by refusing to participate in those systems do you have a real opportunity to move up the levels and achieve the only thing that really matters: High-level consciousness.
Be human
by pretending to be something we are becoming that something
Extra ordinary



The new artpage, by De la cruz
Nature of things
Street Art
This is one of the things we are made for:)
Owned and operated
By William Smith
By William Smith
Tupac knew

Yoda speaks

Be Happy



How to Optimize Your Sleep Sanctuary
How to Optimize Your Sleep Sanctuary
- Sleep in complete darkness, or as close to it as possible. Even the tiniest bit of light in the room can disrupt your internal clock and your pineal gland's production of melatonin and serotonin. Even the tiniest glow from your clock radio could be interfering with your sleep. This will help decrease your risk of cancer. Close your bedroom door, and get rid of night-lights. Refrain from turning on any light at all during the night, even when getting up to go to the bathroom. Cover up your clock radio. Cover your windows – I recommend using blackout shades or drapes.
- Keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Many people keep their homes and particularly their upstairs bedrooms too warm. Studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is quite cool, between 60 to 68 degrees. Keeping your room cooler or hotter can lead to restless sleep. When you sleep, your body's internal temperature drops to its lowest level, generally about four hours after you fall asleep. Scientists believe a cooler bedroom may therefore be most conducive to sleep, since it mimics your body's natural temperature drop.
- Check your bedroom for electro-magnetic fields (EMFs). These can disrupt the pineal gland and the production of melatonin and serotonin, and may have other negative effects as well. To do this, you need a gauss meter. You can find various models online, starting around $50 to $200. Some experts even recommend pulling your circuit breaker before bed to kill all power in your house.
- Move alarm clocks and other electrical devices away from your bed. If these devices must be used, keep them as far away from your bed as possible, preferably at least 3 feet. Remove the clock from view. It will only add to your worry when you stare at it all night... 2 a.m. ...3 a.m. ...4:30 a.m.
- Avoid using loud alarm clocks. It is very stressful on your body to be suddenly jolted awake. If you are regularly getting enough sleep, an alarm may even be unnecessary. I gave up my alarm clock years ago and now use a sun alarm clock, an alarm that combines the features of a traditional alarm clock (digital display, AM/FM radio, beeper, snooze button, etc.) with a special built-in light that gradually increases in intensity, simulating sunrise.
- Reserve your bed for sleeping. If you are used to watching TV or doing work in bed, you may find it harder to relax and drift off to sleep, so avoid doing these activities in bed.
- Consider separate bedrooms. Recent studies suggest, for many people, sharing a bed with a partner (or pets) can significantly impair sleep, especially if the partner is a restless sleeper or snores. If bedfellows are consistently interfering with your sleep, you may want to consider a separate bedroom.
For optimal health you need proper sleep
You may have the healthiest lifestyle in the world, eat the best possible organic food, avoid all sugar and processed foods, eat loads of fermented veggies, have an ideal body fat and work out regularly with an ideal Peak Fitness regimen, but if you fail to sleep well regularly, for whatever reason, it is virtually impossible to be optimally healthy. Interrupted or impaired sleep can cause a ripple-effect capable of wreaking all sorts of havoc in your body and health. For example, poor sleep can:
Dramatically weaken your immune system | Impair production of melatonin – a hormone AND a potent antioxidant, which also has cancer-fighting properties |
Accelerate tumor growth – tumors grow two to three times faster in laboratory animals with severe sleep dysfunctions | Raise your risk of heart disease |
Cause a pre-diabetic state, making you feel hungry even if you've already eaten, which can wreak havoc on your weight | Raise your risk of stomach ulcers |
Seriously impair your memory; even a single night of poor sleep – meaning sleeping only 4 to 6 hours – can impact your ability to think clearly the next day | Contribute to constipation |
Impair your performance on physical or mental tasks, and decrease your problem solving ability | Contribute to mood disorders like depression |