Toppen mot Botten!!!
Blue riders köttar hög press och stänger många vägar för motståndarna att göra mål och Tomas heter keepern som storspelar. Backarna täcker skott som aldrig förr. Hela laget verkar taggat och det känns bra. Känner själv att jag har en väldigt härlig energi och det känns som om inget kan stoppa mig. Fick göra tre härliga mål, ett fint assisterat från Ola. Dem andra två gräver jag fram!
Ett vitalt i Box-play!
Mac avslutar med ett fint skott i krysset i en vinkel man behöver förstoringsglas för att se.
Det var kul att spela innebandy idag...
A story for all of us...By Liam
The deeper you go within, the more you get to see how things are interconnected. The more you ask, the more you get to know. We live in a holographic structure of interdependence. The small creates the large and the large creates the small. Everything in pure balance with creation. Every single thing in nature exists for a reason - and so do we.
If we can understand that there is no death and that our body is only a vessel for exploring this 3d life (on a very beautiful and caring earth) then we might understand that there is more beyond this life. I see life as a school. I’m here to learn and experience. And evolve. I’m also here to carry out a task. A task that I myself chose on my way here. I know this now. Cause I feel it every day!
The end goal for us all is very simple - we can all feel it if we just try to clean our mind from the systems of noise which we are surrounded.
Our human society as we know it today is built on a set of tools. Many of these tools are unfortunately one sided. They are majorly created to feed the Ego self. This leaves the Alter self undiscovered. We reach true balance within ourselves when we merge the ego self with the alter self.
We are today far from this merging in our society. Our days are mostly spent on struggling to pleasure the ego self. We are all so occupied, trying so hard to climb the pyramid pointing upwards, missing that there is also one pyramid pointing downwards - which is trying its best to reach out to us in every way by giving us daily signs that we, in all our struggles, are far from reaching completeness.
The ego self is a very precious part of us - our journey on earth always starts with the ego self. Through the ego self we gain knowledge of our material world and of our physical self. Through the ego self we realize the limitations of our physical body. And we learn to take care of it and guard it. We also experience love, fear, hate, happiness, sadness and much more through this ego self. We are always time limited when we only use the ego self to experience life. Love becomes limited, pain becomes limited, everything becomes limited - which is also the true beauty of the ego self.
We become addicts and slaves to the ego self when we don't realize that there is more, the Alter self - the pyramid within. Our human society has become too addicted to the ego self. We are becoming the slaves who are constantly chasing what is limited. In fear of losing it all. Love is in this case continuously dying from us and we are always forgetting what the pain is like. And therefore we repeat the same mistake over and over. Without seeing the whole picture.
Our chase is destroying us and soon everything on this planet. Mother Earth has through all human history been trying so hard to bring us together as one family. By showing us and reminding us of our mistakes in history and also teaching us the rules of creation with unconditional love - for her children of amnesia. She is our true hero! So patient.
By returning what you gain from the Ego self to the Alter self - you become a share-res. A share-res is a true seeker of the Alter self. By sharing with the Alter self you automatically gain more than you actually brought in. The alter self connects us with our inner library. The library of universal knowledge. Where there are no limitations. Some people throughout history have had access to this library - but every time they try to benefit human kind with richness, they see their creations suppressed or turned into destructive ego self technologies.
We have in our human society today forgotten what it means and feels to be a share-res. That is why we are so limited and continuously hiding and protecting secrets from each other, with tools such as armies and destructive technologies. We are killing each other and destroying our world for nothing. When there could be much more for every single one of us than we could ever dream of.
We have now reached the point, where we get to ask ourselves - what we really want of life. Because time is now running faster than ever and everything is speeding up... will we as a human collective catch the positive energy that is coming our way or will our stupid chase for the limited finally reset ourselves? I prefer the first.
Please, beloved sisters and brothers, get out of the noise and get out of the chase that has gone too far. We are much more than just flesh. We are all precious beings – every single one of us. We are all from the same universal source. There is no us and them. Only we.
Our planet is going out of balance and she is crying out for help. Our help. We have pushed the rules of creation out of balance in our chase for becoming Gods over each other. We are using and creating destructive technologies that we don’t fully understand. We are manipulating things that we don't understand the consequences of. We are playing Gods in the skies and in nature. The ego self has grown too big and left the Alter self far long behind.
We have created too many tools for feeding the ego self and we are becoming very very good at this. But we can also put a stop to this. We have a choice - every single one of us. And if we ask for guidance to do what is right we will receive help. That is one of the beauties of the universe. We are never left all alone in our struggle of doing what is right.
It is time stop the chase. It is time to wake up from the noise. It is time to become ONE with the Alter self.
With love from the very core of my heart and soul.
Talib Kweli
Ska bli fett nice och höra Talibs härligt sköna texter.
Några album att reka:
Beautiful struggle
Ear Drum

För biljetter:
Sökandet är över!!!
Strålande ingredienser som inte sliter på kroppen
Givetvis är glassen Organic

Finns att köpa på Astrid & Aporna
Förändringar i samhället!
Ett exempel finns inom vår kultur, där moral verkligen tillämpas på olika grader. Vårt sociala system uppmuntrar och belönar konkurrens och egoism. Denna livsstil "leder" inte enbart till ett skadligt beteende... den alstrar det. Korruption har blivit en norm i vårt samhälle, något som dom flesta inte har lagt märke till, eftersom samhället uppmuntrar ett sådant beteende och gör det rätt och riktigt, eller till en annan grad av moral.
Om man då betänker detta, upptäcker man den villfarelse som dömt vissa grupper som "korrumperade och onda", och där alla andra varit "goda och ädla". Ett klassiskt "vi mot dom"-perspektiv som egentligen saknar en faktabaserad grund, då det återigen handlar om grader.
Det finns t.ex. en stor grupp som ständigt talar om den "Nya Världsordningen" och tanken på att det finns och alltid funnits en skara högt uppsatta personer som haft som mål att ta över och styra världen i en riktning som gynnat dom själva.
Det här är, i viss utsträckning, sant.
MEN, misstaget ligger i att denna grupp inte alls är en grupp. Utan det är en tendens.
Om man gjorde sig av med alla dom högt uppsatta som utövar en global dominans, skulle det inte dröja länge innan en ny skara makthavare skulle ta deras plats, med samma ambition. Därför är det inte individerna eller grupperna i sig som utgör problemet. Problemet ligger istället i dom förhållanden som i alla tider hjärntvättat folk och gjort dem enkelspåriga. Dock finns det många som yttrar sig emot denna mening, med argumentet om att det är "vår mänskliga natur" som är orsaken till denna konkurrens och vilja att dominera andra. Detta stöds inte av fakta. I verkligheten är vi alla nästintill tomma ark när vi föds, och det är vår omgivning som formar vilka vi är och hur vi väljer att agera.
För att påtaglig förändring ska få ske, måste vi därför lägga mindre energi på att tampas med produkterna av en förvriden social struktur, och mer energi på att försöka förändra orsakerna. Trots att det kan tyckas vara ett svindlande och komplicerat projekt, så är det det enda sättet under vilket vår värld kan förändras till det bättre.
Vi kan fortsätta stampa efter insekter som kravlar under kylskåpet, men tills vi slängt den skämda maten som lockar fram dom, kommer dom alltid att krypa tillbaka igen.